Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Finally I have nailed it!

I have been trying to make bread on and off for the last twenty years without much success.  The results have mostly ranged between solid and unbelievably solid.  All have been frankly inedible.

But thanks to my new best friend; the demi-god that is Paul Hollywood, Saturday saw the creation of a loaf worthy of any table.  Most was consumed with butter and cheese while still warm from the oven. 

While on the subject of making stuff, I found a beer kit tin in the shed last week.  It has no lable and I have no recollection of buying it.  So I added a kilo of Spray Malt and started it brewing.  It looks quite a dark one and smells very 'hoppy'.  It will be interesting to taste the results.

On a sad note, one of my favorite trees in Cambridge has suffered in the recent winds and has split in half. 

This is what it looked like in the New Year.

This is how it looked yesterday.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Sad Day

Twas a sad day on Saturday.  We said good bye to Mabel.  We have had a good two years use out of her but it is time to let her go.  She has gone to a good home and will be cruising in the Lake District!

So we are now boatless apart from the Nut Shell I keep at work.

Of course, as we all know it is sods law that just as you recieve a little cash, something goes wrong. So it was that a stone from a passing lorry cracked the windscreen on the car, the day before the boat was sold.  £125 for a new screen. Grrrr!

First day back on the bike today.  Frozen but great fun.