Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Southern Softies C90 run

So the weekend saw the most pathetic motorcycle gang in the world, once more causing havoc.  This time we were in the New Forest holding up traffic and getting in every ones way.

And boy did it rain?  We rode for eight hours and it chucked it down for seven of them.  Saturday night saw more torrential rain and gale force winds so there was no friendly badinage around the camp fire, we all just went to bed.  Typically the sun came out on Sunday as everyone packed up their battered, wet tents and headed for home.

Still great fun though!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Mike and Lucy

Well, they did it!  Mike and Lucy got married at 1pm on Saturday 3rd August.

We are so proud of you both and I am so pleased to welcome Lucy to the family as my daughter in law.  She is all we could ever have wished for.  May you have many, many long years of happiness together.

Everything went brilliantly and I hope everyone had a good time.  The sun even came out for the happy couple.  Hosting a reception for seventy people in your garden is not something to be undertaken lightly but I think we pulled it off.  A big thank you to all those that helped.

I will just put one picture on for now, but there will be more to follow.