Wednesday, 21 October 2015

A weekend of painting

A couple of weeks ago, after much searching, I found the tiles I wanted for the splash back in the kitchen.  As they are rather expensive, I decided to measure the space exactly rather than guess how many I needed and return the following week to buy them.  They are now of course'out of stock'.  Grrr

So with no tiles, I painted the bedroom instead.  I don't mind the painting, its the sanding that I dislike.  It is however necessary to ensure the paint sticks to the many layers of varnish.  The finished result looks good and makes it a room that I would actually want to spend time in rather than just somewhere to crash.  I have ditched the old, filthy, lumpy mattress and will be ordering a new one in time for my next visit.

One little project I have been thinking about is a draining board.  I've made a prototype out of pine and it seems to work fine.  A hardwood one will follow and hopefully I'll make a better job of routering the grooves on that one too.

The heating system got a good test at the weekend and seems to work well with both rads getting fairly hot and it even produced a tank of hot water too!  I think that in practice, I will be using the Alde boiler to heat water for showers but for general washing up and hand washing, the Boatman Stove will suffice.