Friday, 29 January 2016

Too long I know

Yes it has been far too long since my last blog, but so much has been happening.  Firstly, I am now an official boat dweller!  After a lovely quiet cruise up to The Lazy Otter on the day after Boxing day, I started moving all my stuff from the flat and onto the boat.

Three days after moving, I then went on holiday to Lanzarote  for ten days.  Not ideal planning but sometimes you've just got to do these things.  A week later and I am still finding homes for things on the boat and am working out what I do and don't need.  

I have to report that everything has been working well so far, the stove in particular is proving to be excellent.  You can put up with mess and anything so long as you are warm.

I am also finding that cooking on the stove works really well and saves on gas at the same time.