Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Unwelcome guests and a table

Some uninvited guests have arrived on board.  Mice have found their way into the space between the roof and the ceiling.  I reckon they came in via one of the mushroom vents.  They are having a wonderful time running around chewing all night.  I can't get a trap up there as there is only about 30mm room.  I did manage to slide a little foil tray of rodent bait into the gap but as yet they don't seem to have touched it.

I like to sit at a table to eat my dinner and have for a while been trying to work out a way of using an off cut of the worktop to make a fold out one.  Its not quite right yet, but the principle seems to work ok.  I'd really like to round the end off but for that I'll need a high quality (expensive) router bit and at the moment I can think of better things to spend my budget on.

Bathroom is the next project.  First job is to get rid of the old pump-out toilet that doesn't pump-out.  I made a start by removing the toilet itself.  The tank remains half full and I will at some point need to don protective clothing and do that by hand. Yuk.

I had planned a weekend cruise but the weather put a stop to that.  I did manage a sneaky half hour before the sun went down on Friday.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Worktop repair

The wood I used for my worktop was, in a previous life a kitchen island.  As such it was made up of several sections glued together with biscuit joiners.  Sadly, the piece that over hangs the fire has distorted with the heat and has parted company with the rest of the worktop.

I have, for a while been wondering how to fix this as now that it is all in place, I have no way of clamping it.  In the end, I drilled a hole about three quarters of the way into the wood from beneath and screwed a bolt in to act as an anchor for a ratchet strap.

I'll leave it for a few days and hopefully it will all remain glued where it should be.

In other news, I have at long last started running again.  I'm taking it very slow, following the Couch to 5k program.  Three runs in and I am still alive so I'm doing well.